Developing Telemedicine solutions for the developing world. Managing the project plan and budgets for Central Asia and African projects ranging from $3M to $50M. Organized and presented at International Exhibitions to demonstrate solutions for Telemedicine. Leveraged advocacy agreements with the Department of Commerce and State Department to obtain high level meetings with foreign government officials.
Delivered full featured EMR for investment group that includes many respected physicians in South East Michigan. Leveraged methodologies to deliver a superior product in a short window to seize the opportunity. Responsible for assembling the team to design, develop, implement, and commercialize the product in aggressive 14-month timeline. The result was that client was able to launch their EMR for more than a million dollars less than expected and 10 months earlier.
Created e-commerce custom solution (SAP/Oracle/J2EE/Weblogic/EJB/XML/UML/PMP) for Delta Airlines, salvaging $60M investment from failure. Structured 70 background applications and over 2,100 classes into organized solution, capturing many jobs that had previously existed only on individual programmers' desktops. Met go-live date with no glitches. Transformed developers to support team, avoiding need for new hires and saving company almost $5M.
Built prototype website (.NET/Oracle/SQL Server/XML) for Dow Chemical with competitive-leading bid, winning $10M contract for full project. Accenture had bid $20M for full-blown construction of website. Suggested alternative 120-day "proof of concept" for $400,000. Won contract, completing successful proof of concept phase. Impressed Dow with prototype outcome and continued as fulltime outsourced IT department for the entire venture. Project continues to this day with over $6M billed to-date.
Completed e-commerce engine (IBM WebSphere/DB2/SQL) for Morton Powder Coatings (Rohm & Haas), despite improbable funding and timing odds. Client set impossible deadline to complete project for trade show launch. My team completed a 6-month project in 48 contiguous days, working around the clock to meet make-or-break deadline. Executed project with no overruns on skeleton $1M investment from venture capital.
Outmaneuvered chief competitor to secure Waldenbooks/Borders project, saving customer $4M. Staff had tried to update platform, but had created more problems. Met with executives and business owners to understand business requirements of system. Secured $8M project on merits of proposal. Migrated 1,100 locations from Windows OS/2 to NT with very limited resources. Completed project on time and under budget, using half the resources proposed by competitor.